10th Planet Black Belt Invasion hits 10th Planet Pasadena


On the last weekend of June, the 10th Planet Black Belt meet up was set to be at 10th Planet Headquarters but due to space restrictions was moved to beautiful 10th Planet Pasadena. The event had a Masters of Truck super seminar as well as team duels, our coach Chris also received his Black Belt certificate from Eddie Bravo.

The Truck is a staple position and a set of techniques within 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu. The position involves controlling your partners hips by controlling on of their legs with a leg entanglement while the other leg is controlled by your upper body.

The seminar featured instruction on innovative Truck techniques from Nathan Orchard, Kemoy Anderson, Kevin Berbrich, Eddie Bravo and Geo Martinez. Each contributed their own perspective on the position with each thread connecting to the other, forming a cohesive picture.

Check out the video attached for one of the flows.

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