10th Planet Walnut Creek wins the Grappling X Sacramento Team Title

Thanks to all of our competitors and their hard work, 10th Planet Walnut Creek has won the Grappling X No-Gi Adult team title! We had competitors ranging from the beginner division to the expert division, from 145lbs to 250lbs. 

Competition is an opportunity to test your preparation leading up but it is also a step into the unknown. For some of our competitors it was a refresher back into the scene and for others it was a first time competing outside of in house events. The ultimate goal is self knowledge and mastery.

Until you are in the situation, you do not know how you are in the situation. One of the benefits of grappling is the access to growth opportunities. Stepping on to the competition mat, you will feel the adrenaline surging, once you slap hands with your opponent, you will focus in on them, dulling the sounds from the rest of the world, you are engaging in a most pure form of moving meditation.

For newer competitors it is all about finding out what has...

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White Belt Quintet Event from 2-10 is now on our YouTube!


Despite the intensity of the competition, there exists a unique camaraderie in the Jiu Jitsu community. The shared experience of pushing your limits, facing your fears, and striving for mastery fosters a deep respect and understanding between competitors. Whether you win or lose, you share a bond forged in sweat, struggle, and mutual respect. The high fives after the match, the genuine congratulations to the victor, and the support offered to the defeated are testaments to this unspoken brotherhood.

Stepping off the mat, you carry the echoes of the battle within you. The physical fatigue fades, but the emotional impact lingers. It's a sense of accomplishment, of having faced your fears and emerged stronger. It's a reminder of the lessons learned, the skills honed, and the resilience discovered. But most importantly, it's a spark that ignites the desire to return, to step back onto the mat and once again dance the intricate dance of Jiu Jitsu, forever chasing the thrill...

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Alana takes first in the Teen division with 2 submissions!


Everyone who has met her knows how hard of a worker Alana is. Not everyone may know that she is also a stellar student at school as well as a wrestler. It is great to see her hard work pay off!

Sunday October 22 she went down to Jiu Jitsu World League in San Diego and came out champ of her division with two submissions, and arm lock from guard and a belly down rear naked choke.

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