Here is our schedule, match times and divisions subject to change dependent on check ins and weigh ins.
Weigh Ins 8:30-10am - Show up any time within this window to check in and weigh in
Rules Meeting 10am-10:30am - We go over allowed techniques and scoring criteria, feel free to ask questions.
Matches Start 10:30am
Division Order:
Divisions subject to change at checkin and weigh ins.
Scoring Criteria
Positions must be held and advancements must be maintained for 3 seconds
Takedown - 2 points
Sweep - 2 points
Guard Pass - 3 points
Side Control - 2 points
Knee on Belly - 2 points
Mount - 4 points
Back Control - 4 points
Allowed Submission Techniques
Tiny Tigers division will have no submissions.
All other divisions will be allowing the following techniques:
Prohibited Techniques:
50% Complete
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